Palo Santo used to clear negative energy and purify spaces, people, and objects.
Burning palo santo as part of a calming ritual can help promote a shift in energy. The pleasing, grounding aroma of palo santo triggers the brain's olfactory system, stimulating the relaxation response and preparing the mind for meditation or creative focus.
Palo santo was traditionally used as a remedy for ailments like the common cold, headaches, and stress.
How to use:
Light it and let it smoke for 20 seconds blow it out and let it smoulder around your room.
Upwards motions never down, reach into corners and purify objects.
Californian White Sage 4.5 Inches.
Sage is used to get rid of negative energy, restore harmony, and connect us to a spiritual plane. By using sage in your home it provides a positive atmosphere and restore harmony and balance.
Scientific research has shown that burning herbs or medicinal smoke can purify the air and [eliminate] up to 94 percent of harmful bacteria for up to 24 hours.
Why use sage:
- Increases positive energy
- Uplift moods
- Clear negative energy
- Improve sleep
- Purify the air
- Remove tension
- Reset the mood
- Soothe Stress
How to smudge:
- Light the tip of your smudge stick and let it flame up for a few seconds
- Blow out the flame as it is the smoke you use to smudge
- Carry a flameproof plate or dish to catch any loose embers
- You may need to re-light your stick a few times, this is normal
- Gently move your stick around each room, getting the smoke into the corners, mirrors, entrances
- You could say a prayer or set your intention for peace or clearing negativity
- When finished dab out the lighted end on a flameproof plate or natural soil extinguish the flame
- You can use the smudge stick again when needed
- Your home will smell beautifully clean and feel 'lighter'